

Yuko SuzukiOwner of RIDGE / Gendai Reiki Master /
Non-profit Organization Gendai Reiki Network Master Member

In the midst of suffering from bad physical condition that worsened after the birth of my child, I started looking for treatment modalities that did not rely on medicating one self. And that is how I came across Reiki. As I experienced the process of physical and mental recovery through hand healing, I realized for the first time that I could live my life with my feet firmly planted on the ground, feeling secure in my existence.

In June 2016, whilst continuing to deepen the study of Reiki, I opened the healing salon "RIDGE" as a Gendai Reiki Master following in the footsteps of Hiroshi Doi Sensei, the founder of the Gendai Reiki Method. RIDGE salon aims to provide healing for people with stress, and for those suffering from bad physical problems, as well as for those who seek mindfulness in their lives. In hope to spread the world of reiki, I also offer classes and social gatherings on reiki healing for anyone interested.



As the soil in the ridges of a field provides nourishment and makes plants and crops grow, balancing the body, mind, and chi (energy). It helps us to stay grounded, grow strong and align with their "core inner being" and live joyous life.

Ridge also refers to a mountain ridge. After climbing up the mountain named Reiki, one would encounter a wonderful view from the "ridge" where peace of mind and peace of life awaits (Anshin-Ritsumei). Healing Salon Ridge was named with these thoughts in mind.

Related Links
NPO Gendai Reiki Network
Gendai Reiki Healing association
Chimoky Quarz